
The causes of cardiac insufficiency are multiple and include: Determining factors Factors which lead to the emergence of the disease Determining factors for the insufficiency of the left ventricle include: Hypertonic disease A myocardial infarction Atherosclerotic cardiomyopathy Aortic defects Myocarditis, etc Insufficiency of the right ventricle may occur as a consequence of the insufficiency of the left ventricle, mitral stenosis or mitral ailments, congenital defects or broncho pneumopathies which lead to pulmonary heart disease, etc. Global cardiac insufficiency can occur when the right ventricle becomes unable to compensate in a patient already suffering from a left ventricular insufficiency. This condition can also manifest during a bout of an infectious or toxic myocarditis, cardiomyosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, severe anemia, avitaminosis, liver cirrhosis, etc, Factors which lead to the emergence of the disease: These factors include: extreme physical exertions, various infections such as acute pneumopathies, influenza, re-activation of acute articular rheumatism, bacterial endocarditis, etc. Psychological trauma, obesity, pregnancy, a diet rich in salts and lacking proteins, carbohydrates and vitamin B complex, etc are all factors which may lead to the emergence of the disease, albeit more rarely.

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Medical Author: Dr. med. Diana Hysi