Leukaemia, chronic myeloid


Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells and tends to progress slowly over many years. It can occur at any age, but is most common in older adults around 60-65 years of age. In CML, the spongy material inside some bones (bone marrow) produces too many myeloid cells immature white blood cells that aren't fully developed and don't work properly. CML is different to other types of leukaemia, including Leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic , acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia . This page covers: Symptoms When to get medical advice Treatments Outlook Causes Support groups and charities Symptoms of CML CML doesn't usually have any symptoms in its early stages and may only be picked up during tests carried out for another reason. As the condition develops, symptoms can include: tiredness weight loss night sweats tenderness and swelling in the left side of your tummy feeling full after small meals pale skin and shortness of breath a high temperature (fever) bruising and bleeding easily frequent infections bone pain When to get medical advice See your GP if you have any persistent symptoms that you're worried about. The symptoms above can have many different causes, so it's unlikely you have CML, but it's a good idea to get them checked out. Your GPcan arrange for a blood test to check for possible causes of your symptoms. If this detects a problem,you may be referred to a hospital specialist for further tests. They can help keep CML under control if taken for life. These medicines include: imatinib tablets nilotinib capsules dasatinib tablets bosutinib tablets Regular blood tests will be carried out to check the medication is working. Occasionally, it may be possible to have a stem cell transplant .Stem cells are cells that go on to formother types of cell. In this case, stem cells from your bone marrow are transplanted, which canproduce healthy white blood cells. A stem cell transplant can potentially cure CML, although it's a very intensive treatment and isn't suitable in many cases. It's thought life expectancy may not be affected at all in some cases,as long as treatment is continued. The outlook is generally better the earlier CML is diagnosed. Causes of CML CML is caused by a genetic change (mutation) in the stem cells produced by the bone marrow. The mutation causes the stem cells to produce too many underdeveloped white blood cells. It also leads to a reduction in the number of other blood cells, such as red blood cells. The change involves bundles of DNA called chromosomes. Within each stem cell,a section of DNA from one chromosome swaps with a section from another. This change is known as the "Philadelphia chromosome". . It's not known what causes this to happen, but it's not something you're born with and you can't pass it on to your children. Support groups and charities Living with a serious, long-term condition such as CML can be very difficult. You may find it useful to find out as much as you can about the condition and speak to others affected by it. The following support groups and charities can offer help and advice for people CML, their families and their carers: Bloodwise Leukaemia CARE CML Support Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK also provide CML information and support.
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