
Hiccups occur when the diaphragm suddenly and involuntarily contracts (tightens), resulting in a hiccup sound being produced at the top of the windpipe. The diaphragm is a thin membrane of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen (tummy). It is located underneath the ribcage and helps to control breathing.The medical name for hiccups is "singultus".What causes hiccups?Hiccups are very common and most people will get them at some point during their life. They can affect people of any age, including babies.Hiccups often occur without any obvious trigger, although short episodeshave been linked with: drinkingalcohol smoking having a bloated stomach eating too quicklyor eating spicy foods drinking hot or fizzy drinks emotions, such as stress, fear or excitement In rare cases, hiccups can last for a long time. If hiccups last for more than 48 hours they are known as "persistent" or "protracted" hiccups, and hiccups that last longer than a month are called "intractable" hiccups.These longer-lasting hiccups have been linked witha number ofunderlying medical conditions and some medications..When to seek medical adviceHiccups are not usually serious and in most cases only last a few minutes.However, you should see your GP if you have hiccups thatrecur frequently or last longer than 48 hours so they can try to identify a possible cause and determine whether any further investigation or treatment is necessary.Howhiccups are treatedMost hiccups will pass quickly and won't need any specific treatment.If your hiccups are troublesome, there are some things you can do that may help, such as: sipping ice-cold water holding your breath for a short period biting on a lemon swallowing granulated sugar tasting vinegar pulling your knees up to your chest For longer-lasting hiccups, identifying and treating any identifiablecausemay help, and there are also a number of medications that are sometimes used specifically to control hiccups..
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