How acanthosis nigricans is treated

Treatment for acanthosis nigricans aims to correct the underlying cause of your symptoms. This will usually cure the acanthosis nigricans or significantly improve the appearance of your skin. Treatments that may be recommended include: losing weight , making changes to your diet and taking medication toreduce the level of insulin in your blood taking medication to correct your hormone levels read about treating Cushing's syndrome , treating polycystic ovary syndrome and treating an underactive thyroid switching to a different medication if it's triggering your symptoms surgery, chemotherapy , or radiotherapy for cancer There's no specific treatment to get rid of the patches, buta dermatologist (skin specialist) may be able to recommend treatments such as creams or tablets that may help improve the look of your skin. Outlook Most cases of acanthosis nigricans are harmless and not a sign of anything serious. The skin patches often fade with time as the underlying condition is treated. If you have inherited acanthosis nigricans from your parents, your patches may gradually get bigger before staying the same or eventually fading on their own. Only in cases where there is underlying cancer is the situation very serious.If the tumour is successfully treated, the condition may disappear, but unfortunately the types of cancer that cause acanthosis nigricanstend to spread quickly and a cure is often not possible.
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