Complications of bulimia

There are a number of physical complications associated with bulimia. These can include any of the following: Dental problems persistent vomiting can cause your stomach acid to damage the enamel on your teeth, which may lead to tooth decay. Excessive vomiting can also cause Halitosis (bad breath) and a sore throat . Irregular periods your menstrual cycle can become unpredictable, or even stop altogether. You may also find it difficult to become pregnant in the future. Poor skin and hair a lack of nutrients through persistent vomiting or laxative use can make your skin and hair unhealthy. Your skin and hair can become dry and your fingernails can become brittle. Swollen glands if you have bulimia, your saliva glands can become swollen from frequent vomiting. This makes your face appear rounder. Chemical imbalance excessive vomiting and laxative use can cause chemical imbalances in your body. This can result in tiredness, weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, kidney damage, convulsions (fits) and muscle spasms. Bowel problems excessive use of laxatives can damage your bowel muscles, resulting in permanent constipation. Heart problems long-term complications of bulimia can include an increased risk of heart problems.
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