Chances of success

Figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) suggest that each cycle of IUI with donor sperm has a success rate of: 15.8% for women under 35 11.0% for women aged 35-39 4.7% for women aged 40-42 1.2% for women aged 43-44 0% for women over 44 As well as the woman's age, the chances of success can also be affected by the sperm count and sperm quality (using fresh sperm is associated with higher conception rates than frozen and thawed sperm) and technical aspects of IUI, such as working out the time of ovulation correctly. Overall, more than half of the women who have IUI will become pregnant during the first six treatment cycles. If IUI fails after several attempts, your doctor may suggest trying another treatment, such as IVF .
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