How is phantosmia treated?

Some people with phantosmia will find that the smell gradually fades over a few months, and no treatment is needed. If it is caused by an illness such as sinusitis, it should go when you recover from the illness. Otherwise, if it persists, the following treatments may be tried: Rinsing out the nasal passages with saline solution , which may provide temporary relief for short periods of time. This may temporarily block the smell signals going to your brain, but you'll need to keep doing it. Nasal drops or spray you may be prescribed oxymetazoline, which narrows blood vessels in the nose to help reduce nasal congestion, a spray containing an anaesthetic, which numbs the nerve cells, or a nasal steroid spray . Sedatives, antidepressants or anti-epileptic drugs, which may work for some people. You must always weigh up the benefits of these treatments with the possible side effects speak to your doctor about this.
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