Spleen problems

Spleen pain Spleen pain is usually felt as a pain behind your left ribs. It may be tender when you touch the area.This can be a sign of a damaged, ruptured or enlarged spleen. A damaged or ruptured spleen The spleen can become damaged or may rupture (burst) after a forceful blow to the abdomen,car accident, sporting accident or fractureto the ribs. Rupture can happen straight away or it may happen weeks after the injury. Signs of a ruptured spleen are: pain behind your left ribs and tenderness when you touch this area dizziness and a rapid heart rate (a sign of low blood pressure caused by blood loss) Sometimes, if you lie down and raise your legs, the pain can be felt at the tip of your left shoulder. A ruptured spleen is a medical emergency, as it can cause life-threatening bleeding. Go straight to A&E if you think you've ruptured or damaged your spleen. Enlarged spleen The spleen can become swollen after an infection or injury. It can also become enlarged as a result of a disease such as cirrhosis , leukaemia or rheumatoid arthritis . An enlarged spleen doesn't always cause symptoms. Otherwise, look out for: feeling full very quickly after eating (an enlarged spleen can press on the stomach) feeling discomfort or pain behind your left ribs anaemia and/or fatigue frequent infections easy bleeding Doctors can often tell if you have an enlarged spleen by feeling your abdomen. A blood test, CT scan or MRI scan would confirm the diagnosis. The spleen is not usually removed if it's just enlarged. Instead, you'll receive treatment for any underlying condition and your spleen will be monitored. Antibiotics may be prescribed if there's an infection. You'll need to avoid contact sports for a while, as you'll be at greater risk of rupturing the spleen while it is enlarged. Surgery is only necessary if the enlarged spleen is causing serious complications or if the cause can't be found.
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