Symptoms of postnatal depression

Postnatal depression can affect women in different ways. It can start at any point in the first year after giving birth and may develop suddenly or gradually. Many women feel a bit down, tearful or anxious in the first week after giving birth. This is often called the "baby blues" and is so common that its considered normal. The " baby blues " dont last for more than two weeks after giving birth. If your symptoms last longer or start later, you could have postnatal depression. Commonsymptoms of postnatal depression The main symptoms include: a persistent feeling of sadness and low mood loss of interest in the world around you and no longer enjoying things that used to give you pleasure lack of energy and feeling tired all the time trouble sleeping at night andfeelingsleepy during the day feelingthat you're unable to look afteryour baby problems concentrating and making decisions loss of appetite or an increased appetite (comfort eating) feeling agitated, irritable or very apathetic (you "can't be bothered") feelings of guilt, hopelessness and self-blame difficulty bonding with your baby with a feeling of indifference and no sense of enjoyment in his or her company frightening thoughtsfor example, about hurtingyour baby; these can be scary, but they're very rarely acted upon thinking about Euthanasia and assisted suicide and self-harm These symptoms can affect your day-to-day life and your relationships with your baby, family and friends. If you think you may be depressed, talk to your GP or health visitor as soon as possible so you can access the support you need. Don't struggle on alone and hope the problem will go away. It can continue for months or years if not addressed. Fathers and partners can also become depressed after the birth of a baby. You should seek help if this is affecting you. Some parents may avoid talking to family and friends about how theyre feeling because they worry theyll be judged for not coping or not appearing happy. Signs for partners, family and friends to look out for in new parents include: frequently crying for no obvious reason having difficulty bonding with their baby, looking after them only as a duty and not wanting to play with them withdrawing from contact with other people speaking negatively all the time and claiming that they're hopeless neglecting themselves, such as not washing or changing their clothes losing all sense of time, such as being unaware whether 10 minutes or two hours have passed losing their sense of humour constantly worrying that something is wrong with their baby, regardless of reassurance If you think someone you know is depressed, encourage them to talk about their feelings to you, a friend, their GP or their health visitor.
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