Symptoms of a sinus headache

A sinus headache is a constant, throbbing pain felt in the face (around the eyes, cheeks and forehead), usually only on one side. It tends to be at its worst first thing in the morning and may get better by the afternoon. The pain may get worse when you move your head, strain or bend down, and when you experience extreme changes in temperature (such as going from a warm room into freezing air outside). It can also spread to your teeth, upper jaw and other parts of your head. Your face may feel swollen and tender to the touch, and you will also have other symptoms of sinusitis , such as green or yellow mucus discharge from your nose and a high temperature (fever). The symptoms of a sinus headache can be very similar to those of a migraine and tension-type headache , so it can sometimes be hard to tell which you have, but sinus headaches occur with other sinusitis symptoms, such as fever and nasal discharge. Generally, if you have facial pain or a headache, but no other symptoms of sinusitis, you're more likely to have a migraine or tension-type headache.
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