Symptoms of WPW syndrome

If you have WPW syndrome, you'll experience episodes where your heart suddenly starts racing, before stopping or slowing down abruptly. This rapid heart rate is called supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) . During an episode, you may experience symptoms such as: a pounding or flutteringheartbeat ( heart palpitations ) feeling light-headed or dizzy shortness of breath chest pain sweating feeling anxious finding physical activity exhausting passing out ( fainting ) These episodescan last for seconds, minutes or hours. Rarely, they can last for days. How often they occur varies from person to person. Some people may have episodes on a daily basis, while othersmay only experience them a few times a year. They normally occur randomly, without any identifiable cause, but they can sometimes be triggered by strenuous exercise or drinking a lot of alcohol or caffeine.
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