Treatments for Klinefelter syndrome

There's no cure for Klinefelter syndrome, but some of the problems associated with the condition can be treated if necessary. Possible treatments include: testosterone replacement therapy(see below) speech and language therapy during childhood to help with speech development educationaland behavioural support at school to help with any learning difficulties or behaviour problems occupational therapy to help with any co-ordination problems associated withdyspraxia physiotherapy to help build muscle and increase strength psychological support for any mental health issues fertility treatment options include artificial insemination using donor spermor possibly intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) ,where sperm removed during a small operationare used to fertilise an egg in a laboratory breast reductionsurgery to remove excess breast tissue Testosterone replacement therapy TRT involves taking medication containing testosterone. It can be taken in the form of gels or tablets in teenagers, or given as gel or injections in adult men. TRT may be considered once puberty begins and may help with the development of a deep voice, facial and body hair, an increase in muscle mass, reduction in body fat, and improvement in energy. You should see a specialist in children's hormones (a paediatric endocrinologist) at this time. Long-term treatment during adulthood may also help with several other problems associated with Klinefelter syndrome including osteoporosis, low mood, reduced sex drive, low self-esteem and low energy levels although it can't reverse infertility.
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