
More severe motion sickness can be treated with medication. It's usually better to take medication for motion sickness before your journey to prevent symptoms developing. Hyoscine Hyoscine , also known as scopolamine, is widely used to treat motion sickness. It's thought to work by blocking some of the nerve signals sent from the vestibular system. Hyoscine is available over the counter from pharmacists. To be effective, you'll need to take it before travelling. If you're going on a long journey for example, by sea hyoscine patches can be applied to your skin every three days. Common side effects of hyoscine include drowsiness, blurred vision and dizziness. As hyoscine can cause drowsiness, avoid taking itif you're planning to drive. Hyoscine should also be used with caution in children, the elderly, and if you have certain conditions such as epilepsy or a history of heart, kidney or liver problems. Antihistamines Antihistamines are used to treat symptoms of allergies , but can also help to control nausea and vomiting. Theyre less effective at treating motion sickness than hyoscine, but may cause fewer side effects. Theyre usually taken as tablets one or two hours before your journey. If it's a long journey, you may need to take a dose every eight hours.Like hyoscine, some antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Your pharmacistcan advise you.
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