Preventing WNV

As there is no specifictreatment or vaccine for WNV, it's best to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes when visiting affected areas. The mosquitoes that carry WNV are most active around dusk and dawn. You should follow the advice below while you are away: Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved tops and long trousers that cover up your skin as much as possible. Use an insect repellent on exposed skin, taking care to avoid your eyes. Repellents containing 50% diethyltoluamide (DEET) are thought to be the most effective. Insect-proof screens on windows and doors and mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide over the bed will reduce mosquito bites inside. Air conditioning in the room may also help. Avoid areas where there are likely to be large numbers of mosquitoes, such as near stagnant pools of water. .
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