Where is WNV found?

Despite its name, WNVisfound in many parts of the world, including: Africa west and central Asia The Middle East Europe, particularly southern Europe North, Central and South America The Caribbean Australia In tropical countries, it's possible to catch WNV all year round. In places with changing summer and winter seasons, such as North America, WNV is usually more common during summer and autumn. For more information about thearea you are visiting, check the Travel Health Pro website . There have been no confirmed cases of WNV originating in the UK, and cases affecting travellers returning to the UK are very rare. WNV isspread through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. They can then spread the virus to humans and other animals they bite. The viruscannot be spread from close person-to-person contact for example, by kissing someone who is infected.
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